General information of database | |
NBDC NikkajiRDF![]() | |
NBDC Japan Chemical Substance Dictionary (Nikkaji) RDF | |
10.18908/lsdba.nbdc01530-02-000.V010 | |
Chemical Database | |
NBDC NikkajiRDF is RDF data of Japan Chemical Substance Dictionary (Nikkaji), which is one of the largest chemical substance databases in Japan. | |
NikkajiRDF is described by standard ontologies, such as Chemical Information Ontology (CHEMINF) and Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO). Some contents, such as Canonical SMILES, are not contained in the original Nikkaji. The users can perform SPARQL search by uploading the downloaded RDF into their own triplesore. | |
CC-BY Detail | |
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Original website information | | | |
2005/03/31 | |
2022/02/01 | |
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Japan Existing Chemical Data Base (JECDB) Spectral Database for Organic Compounds (SDBS) Kis-net (Written in Japanese) (Closed) | |
Not available | |
Available | |
Not available | |
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Not available |