General information of database | |
dbQSNP | |
Database of SNPs in human genome with allele frequency information | |
10.18908/lsdba.nbdc00042-000 | |
Tomoko Tahira | |
Human Genes and Diseases - General polymorphism databases | |
SNP discovery and determination of their allele frequency in various sample groups using pooled DNA-quantitative fluorescent SSCP analysis | |
Most of SNPs described here were collected around the transcription start sites of many genes, and their allele frequencies were precisely determined by quantitative fluorescent SSCP analysis of pooled DNA constructed using various populations. These data is useful for the determination of genetic background of various quantitative variation of phenotypes of populations. | |
CC BY-SA Detail | |
Original website information | |
Research Center for Genetic Information, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University | |
(Closed) | |
2002/10/23 | |
2008/9/22 | |
(Closed) | |
(Closed) | |
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Not available |