General information of database | |
RPD | |
Rice Proteome Database | |
10.18908/lsdba.nbdc00191-000 | |
2-1-18 Kannondai Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8634, Japan | |
Proteomics Resources Plant databases - Rice | |
Rice Proteome Database contains information on proteins identified from several organs and organelles on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) reference maps. | |
Proteins extracted from organs and subcellular compartments in rice on various growing stages were separated by 2D-PAGE. Based on 23 reference maps of 2D-PAGE, each of the proteins was purified and sequenced by gas-phase protein sequencer or mass spectrometry. 14724 identified proteins were mapped by 2D-PAGE. The information on 6011 proteins (e.g. Mw, pI, expression, the amino acid sequence and the result of homology searches) was cataloged and entered in the Rice Proteome Database. The database is searchable by keyword, accession number, protein name, pI, Mw and amino acid sequence, or by selection of a spot on one of the 2D-PAGE maps. Cross-references are provided to tools for proteomics and to other databases. | |
CC BY-SA Detail | |
Original website information | |
(Closed) | |
2003/01/07 | |
2004/04/01 | | | |
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