General information of database | |
RGP gmap98 | |
10.18908/lsdba.nbdc00318-02-000 | |
2-1-2 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan | |
Plant databases - Rice | |
Genome Sequence | |
According to the publication of our high-density RFLP linkage map in the journal "Genetics" (January 1998), we provide here a large amount of relevant data that can not be published in the form of a printed paper. | |
The rice genetic map consists of 2275 RFLP markers mapped on a Nipponbare (japonica) and a Kasalath (indica) F2 intercross. The data includes isozyme loci and a table linked with parental Southern images of each probe and Nucleotide sequence, and other related clone information. The table also includes the results of similarity search of mapped clones. Because this archive has been created based on the following data of the last update date, it may not match the data in the current situation. | |
CC BY-SA Detail | |
Original website information | |
(Suspended) | |
1998/01/17 | |
1998/01/17 | | | |
(Suspended) | |
DDBJ | |
Available | |
Not available | |
Not available | |
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Not available |