
Web Site: http://cdna01.dna.affrc.go.jp/cDNA/
HTTPS Site: https://dbarchive.biosciencedbc.jp/data/kome/

The database of rice full-length cDNA clones that were sequenced in the rice full-length cDNA project.

README Content

  1. Database Component
  2. Data Description
  3. License
  4. Update History
  5. Literature
  6. Contact address

1. Database Component

  2. Main
  3. Basical information
  4. Mapping data
  5. Mapping data detail
  6. Mapping Pseudomolecule data
  7. Mapping Pseudomolecule data detail
  8. GenBank blastn search result
  9. GenBank blastx search result
  10. Genome annotations
  11. Product annotations
  12. Japonica genome blast search result
  13. Indica genome blast search result
  14. RMOS blastn result
  15. Tos17 link result
  16. PLACE search result
  17. ORF information
  18. Arabidopsis CDS blastp result
  19. PIR search result
  20. SwissProt search result
  21. UniProt search blastx result
  22. InterPro search result
  23. Blocks search result
  24. GO classification GenBank
  25. GO classification InterPro
  26. GO classification Arabidopsis
  27. Memsat search result
  28. pSort search result
  29. RPD link result
  30. Nucleotide Sequence
  31. Trimming information
  32. Amino Acid Sequence
  33. OPS index
  34. All 3' EST
  35. All 5' EST
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2. Data Description


Data name README
Description of data contents HTML file to describe "KOME" data.
File README_e.html(English)
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2.2 Main

Data name Main
Description of data contents List of datasets
File kome_main.zip (1.3 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
Category Category of the dataset
Title Title of the dataset
Description Description of the dataset
Sequence data file Name of the fasta file
Data file (CSV) Name of the CSV file
Data file (TogoDB) Name of the dataset on Simple search website (TogoDB)

2.3 Basical information

Data name Basical information
Description of data contents Basic Information about full-length cDNA clones
File kome_basical_information.zip (607 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO DDBJ accession number of the full-length cDNA clone. All the clones in the database were registered in DDBJ.
CLONE_ID ID number assigned to each full-length cDNA clone
BELONG Initial of the research institute where the clone was sequenced. (R: RIKEN, F: FAIS)
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
CLUSTER_ID Cluster ID of the full-length cDNA clone.Cluster IDs were numbered serially.
LENGTH Length of the full-length cDNA sequence
POLYA_CUT_LENGTH Length of the full-length cDNA sequence excluding the poly(A) region
SEQ_QUALITY Ratio of non-N residues contained in the full-length cDNA sequence
POLYA_CUT_SEQ_QUALITY Ratio of non-N residues contained in the full-length cDNA sequence excluding the poly(A) region
SEQ_ACCURACY Sequence accuracy calculated as the average of accuracies of individual bases after a sequencing run.
LIBRARY Information about the full-length cDNA library, such as tissues which the library derived from and their treatment conditions.

2.4 Mapping data

Data name Mapping data
Description of data contents Mapping information with the japonica rice genome sequences obtained from the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP)
File kome_mapping_data.zip (723 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
BAC_ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the mapped BAC contigs
CHROMOSOME Chromosome number of the mapped BAC contigs
BAC_START_POS Alignment start position on the mapped BAC contigs
BAC_END_POS Alignment end position on the mapped BAC contigs
CDNA_START_POS Alignment start position on the mapped cDNA clone
CDNA_END_POS Alignment end position on the mapped cDNA clone
STRAND Strand direction of the mapped cDNA clone
TU_ID ID of the mapped TU (Transcriptional Unit)

2.5 Mapping data detail

Data name Mapping data detail
Description of data contents Detailed mapping information with the japonica rice genome sequences from the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP)
File kome_mapping_data_detail.zip (2.3 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
BAC_ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the mapped BAC contigs
CHROMOSOME Chromosome number of the mapped BAC contigs
BAC_START_POS Exon start position on the mapped BAC contigs
BAC_END_POS Exon end position on the mapped BAC contigs
CDNA_START_POS Exon start position on the mapped cDNA clone
CDNA_END_POS Exon end position on the mapped cDNA clone
STRAND Strand direction of the mapped cDNA clone
TU_ID ID of the mapped TU (Transcriptional Unit)

2.6 Mapping Pseudomolecule data

Data name Mapping Pseudomolecule data
Description of data contents Mapping information with the TIGR japonica Pseudomolecules
File kome_mapping_pseudomolecule_data.zip (719 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
HIT_NUMBER Number of the sites where the cDNA clones were mapped
PSEUDOMOLECULE Name of the mapped pseudomolecule
CHROMOSOME Chromosome number of the mapped pseudomolecule
CHR_START_POS Alignment start position on the mapped pseudomolecule
CHR_END_POS Alignment end position on the mapped pseudomolecule
CDNA_START_POS Alignment start position on the mapped cDNA clone
CDNA_END_POS Alignment end position on the mapped cDNA clone
STRAND Strand direction of the mapped cDNA clone
TU_ID ID of the mapped TU (Transcriptional Unit)

2.7 Mapping Pseudomolecule data detail

Data name Mapping Pseudomolecule data detail
Description of data contents Detailed mapping information with the TIGR japonica Pseudomolecules
File kome_mapping_pseudomolecule_data_detail.zip (2.5 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
HIT_NUMBER Number of the sites where the cDNA clones were mapped
PSEUDOMOLECULE Accession number of the mapped pseudomolecule
CHROMOSOME Chromosome number of the mapped pseudomolecule
CHR_START_POS Exon start position on the mapped pseudomolecule
CHR_END_POS Exon end position on the mapped pseudomolecule
CDNA_START_POS Exon start position on the mapped cDNA clone
CDNA_END_POS Exon end position on the mapped cDNA clone
STRAND Strand direction of the mapped cDNA clone
TU_ID ID of the mapped TU (Transcriptional Unit)

2.8 GenBank blastn search result

Data name GenBank blastn search result
Description of data contents Results of blastn searches against GenBank nucleotide sequences
File kome_genbank_blastn_search_result.zip (24 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
RANK Ranking in the blast search result
ACCESSION Accession number of the GenBank entry
DEFINITION Definition of the GenBank clone
DIVISION GenBank division
SCORE Score in the blastn search result
EXPECT Expect value in the blastn search result
IDENTITIES Identities in the blastn search result
STRAND1_1 Strand direction of the subject sequence
STRAND1_2 Strand direction of the query sequence

2.9 GenBank blastx search result

Data name GenBank blastx search result
Description of data contents Results of blastx searches against GenBank amino acid sequences
File kome_genbank_blastx_search_result.zip (34 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
RANK Ranking in the blastx search result
ACCESSION Accession number of the GenBank entry
DEFINITION Definition of the GenBank clone
DIVISION GenBank division
SCORE Score in the blastx search result
EXPECT Expect value in the blastx search result
IDENTITIES Identities in the blastx search result
FRAME Reading frame of the full-length cDNA clone

2.10 Genome annotations

Data name Genome annotations
Description of data contents Extracted the hits related to rice genomes from GenBank blastn/blastx results.
File kome_genome_annotation.zip (514 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
BLAST_TYPE Type of BLAST program (blastn or blastx)
HIT_ACCESION Accession number of the GenBank entry
DIVISION GenBank division
DEFINITION Definition of the GenBank clone
RANK Ranking in the blast search result
SCORE Score in the blast search result
EXPECT Expect value in the blast search result

2.11 Product annotations

Data name Product annotations
Description of data contents Extracted the hits related to protein gene products or protein functions from GenBank blastn/blastx results.
File kome_product_annotation.zip (815 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
BLAST_TYPE Type of BLAST program (blastn or blastx)
HIT_ACCESION Accession number of the GenBank entry
DIVISION GenBank division
DEFINITION Definition of the GenBank clone
RANK Ranking in the blast search result
SCORE Score in the blast search result
EXPECT Expect value in the blast search result

2.12 Japonica genome blast search result

Data name Japonica genome blast search result
Description of data contents Results of blastn searches against japonica genome sequences
File kome_japonica_genome_blast_search_result.zip (802 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
BAC_ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the GenBank entry
DEFINITION Definition in the GenBank entry
EXPECT Expect value in the blastn search result
SCORE Score in the blastn search result

2.13 Indica genome blast search result

Data name Indica genome blast search result
Description of data contents Results of blastn searches against indica genome sequences (top hits only)
File kome_indica_genome_blast_search_result.zip (338 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
INDICA_ACCESSION Accession number of the GenBank entry
DEFINITION Definition in the GenBank entry
EXPECT Expect value in the blastn search result
SCORE Score in the blastn search result
STRAND Strand direction of the cDNA clone

2.14 RMOS blastn result

Data name RMOS blastn result
Description of data contents Results of blastn searches against the Rice EST Microarray (G-Array)
File kome_rmos_blastn_result.zip (74 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
ARRAY_ELEMENT Element number of the G-Array probe
PROBE_ACCESSION Accession number of the G-Array probe
PROBE_CLONE_NAME Clone name of the G-Array probe
EXPECT Expect value in the blastn search result
SCORE Score in the blastn search result

2.15 Tos17 link result

Data name Tos17 link result
Description of data contents Relation with Tos17 mutant clones
File kome_tos17_link_result.zip (49 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
FULL_CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
TOS_NAME Name of the Tos17 clone
BAC_ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the mapped BAC clone
TOS_INSERT_POSITION Insert position of the Tos17 clone on the BAC contigs
cDNA_START_POSITION Mapping start position of the cDNA clone on the BAC contigs
cDNA_END_POSITION Mapping end position of the cDNA clone on the BAC contigs

2.16 PLACE search result

Data name PLACE search result
Description of data contents Results of signal search against PLACE. PLACE: cis-acting regulatory DNA elements Database
File kome_place_search_result.zip (43 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
HIT_NO Ranking in the sigscan search result
SIGNAL_NAME Name of the signal element
SIGNAL_TYPE Signal type
LOCATION Signal position
STRAND Strand direction of the query cDNA sequence
SIGNAL_SEQ Signal sequence
SIGNAL_ID Signal element ID in PLACE

2.17 ORF information

Data name ORF information
Description of data contents Information about the longest ORFs
File kome_orf_infomation.zip (526 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
FRAME_NO Frame number
START_POSITION Start position of the longest ORF
STOP_POSITION End position of the longest ORF
LENGTH Length of the longest ORF
OCCUPATION Ratio of the ORF length to the cDNA sequence length

2.18 Arabidopsis CDS blastp result

Data name Arabidopsis CDS blastp result
Description of data contents Results of blastp searches against Arabidopsis thaliana CDSs
File kome_arabidopsis_cds_blastp_result.zip (3.6 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
MIPS_CODE MIPS code in the Arabidopsis thaliana database
DEFINITION Definition of CDS in the Arabidopsis thaliana database
EXPECT Expect value in the blastp search result
SCORE Score in the blastp search result

2.19 PIR search result

Data name PIR search result
Description of data contents Results of blastx searches against the PIR protein database
File kome_pir_search_result.zip (29 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
RANK Ranking in the blastx search result
PIR_ACCESSION Accession number in the PIR protein database
DEFINITION Definition of the protein in the PIR protein database
EXPECT Expect value in the blastx search result
SCORE Score in the blastx search result

2.20 SwissProt search result

Data name SwissProt search result
Description of data contents Results of blastx searches against the Swiss-Prot database
File kome_swissprot_search_result.zip (30 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
RANK Ranking in the blastx search result
DEFINITION Definition of the protein in the Swiss-Prot database
ENTRY_NAME Name of the protein in the Swiss-Prot database
EXPECT Expect value in the blastx search result
SCORE Score in the blastx search result

2.21 UniProt search blastx result

Data name UniProt search blastx result
Description of data contents Results of blastx searches against the UniProt database
File kome_uniprot_search_blastx_result.zip (1.4 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
RANK Ranking in the blastx search result
DEFINITION Definition of the protein in the UniProt database
EXPECT Expect value in the blastx search result
SCORE Score in the blastx search result

2.22 InterPro search result

Data name InterPro search result
Description of data contents Results of motif searches against the InterPro database
File kome_interpro_search_result.zip (2.1 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
INTERPRO_ID ID of the motif in the InterPro database
INTERPRO_NAME Name of the motif in the InterPro database
METHOD Motif search program
ACCESSION_ID Accession number of the motif
SHORT_NAME Short name of the motif
LOCATION Location of the motif
EXPECT Expect value in the search result

2.23 Blocks search result

Data name Blocks search result
Description of data contents Results of motif searches against the Blocks Database
File kome_blocks_search_result.zip (60 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
RANK Ranking in the search result
ACCESSION Accession number of the motif in the Blocks Database
DESCRIPTION Description of the motif in the Blocks Database
STRENGTH Strength in the BLIMPS result
SCORE Score in the BLIMPS result
RF Reading frame (Always 0 since the sequence is in amino acids)
POSITION Position of the motif
MOTIF_SEQ Amino acid sequence of the motif
MOTIF_LENGTH Length of the amino acid sequence of the motif

2.24 GO classification GenBank

Data name GO classification GenBank
Description of data contents Results of GO (Gene Ontology) term classifications done based on GenBank homology searches
File kome_go_classification_genbank.zip (4.9 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
GO_ACCESSION Accession number of the GO term

2.25 GO classification InterPro

Data name GO classification InterPro
Description of data contents Results of GO (Gene Ontology) term classifications done based on InterPro motif searches
File kome_go_classification_interpro.zip (645 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
GO_ACCESSION Accession number of the GO term

2.26 GO classification Arabidopsis

Data name GO classification Arabidopsis
Description of data contents Results of GO (Gene Ontology) term classifications done based on homology searches against predicted CDSs of Arabidopsis thaliana
File kome_go_classification_arabidopsis.zip (418 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
GO_ACCESSION Accession number of the GO term

2.27 Memsat search result

Data name Memsat search result
Description of data contents Results of transmembrane region predictions
File kome_memsat_search_result.zip (209 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
COUNT Number of transmembrane regions
WAY Direction of 5' end

2.28 pSort search result

Data name pSort search result
Description of data contents Results of protein subcellular localization predictions
File kome_psort_search_result.zip (823 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
RANK Ranking in the PSORT prediction result
TARGET Target organelle of the predicted signal sequence
CERTAINTY Certainty in the PSORT prediction result
SCORE Score in the WoLF PSORT prediction result

2.29 RPD link result

Data name RPD link result
Description of data contents Results of homology searches against the Rice Proteome Database
File kome_rpd_link_result.zip (14 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
RPD_ID ID of the protein in the Rice Proteome Database that is homologous to the clone
SCORE Score in the blastn search result
COVERAGE Query coverage between the protein in the Rice Proteome Database and the clone

2.30 Nucleotide Sequence

Data name Nucleotide Sequence
Description of data contents Nucleotide sequences of the full-length cDNA clones (trimmed sequences)
File CSV: kome_ine_full_sequence_db.zip (19 MB)
FASTA: kome_ine_full_sequence_db.fasta.zip (21 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_ID ID of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
BELONG Initial of the research institute where the clone was sequenced. (R: RIKEN, F: FAIS)
SEQUENCE Nucleotide sequence

2.31 Trimming information

Data name Trimming information
Description of data contents Nucleotide sequences that the regions predicted to be poly(A) sites and vector-derived sites were trimmed. 161 out of 32,127 sequences were trimmed as above.
File kome_trimming_information.zip (63 KB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION_NO Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
BELONG Initial of the research institute where the clone was sequenced. (R: RIKEN, F: FAIS)
SEQ_DATA Sequence after trimming
TRIM_TOP Length of the sequence trimmed from 5' end
TRIM_END Length of the sequence trimmed from 3' end
TRIM_LENGTH Length of the sequence after trimming

2.32 Amino Acid Sequence

Data name Amino Acid Sequence
Description of data contents Amino acid sequences of the full-length cDNA clones deduced from the longest ORFs.
File CSV: kome_ine_full_sequence_amino_db.zip (7.4 MB)
FASTA: kome_ine_full_sequence_amino_db.fasta.zip (7.7 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
ACCESSION Accession number of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_ID ID of the full-length cDNA clone
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
BELONG Initial of the research institute where the clone was sequenced. (R: RIKEN, F: FAIS)
SEQUENCE Amino acid sequence

2.33 OPS index

Data name OPS index
Description of data contents Index of OPS (Oryza Partial Sequence). Relationships between clone names and EST names are listed.
File kome_ops_index.zip (2.6 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
CLONE_NAME Name of the full-length cDNA clone
3'EST_NAME 3' EST name
5'EST_NAME 5' EST name

2.34 All 3' EST

Data name All 3' EST
Description of data contents 3' EST sequences
File CSV: kome_est_3end_all.zip (70 MB)
FASTA: kome_est_3end_all.fasta.zip (76 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
3'EST_NAME 3' EST name
SEQUENCE 3' EST sequence

2.35 All 5' EST

Data name All 5' EST
Description of data contents 5' EST sequences
File CSV: kome_est_5end_all.zip (26 MB)
FASTA: kome_est_5end_all.fasta.zip (27 MB)
Data items are the following:
Data itemDescription
5'EST_NAME 5' EST name
SEQUENCE 5' EST sequence
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3. License

Last updated : 2013/07/30

You may use this database in compliance with the terms and conditions of the license described below. The license specifies the license terms regarding the use of this database and the requirements you must follow in using this database.

Creative Commons License

The license for this database is specified in the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan.
If you use data from this database, please be sure attribute this database as follows: "KOME © Shoshi Kikuchi (National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences) licensed under CC Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan".

The summary of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan is found here.

With regard to this database, you are licensed to:

  1. freely access part or whole of this database, and acquire data;
  2. freely redistribute part or whole of the data from this database; and
  3. freely create and distribute database and other derivative works based on part or whole of the data from this database,

under the license, as long as you comply with the following conditions:

  1. You must attribute this database in the manner specified by the author or licensor when distributing part or whole of this database or any derivative work.
  2. You must distribute any derivative work based on part or whole of the data from this database under the license.
  3. You need to contact the Licensor shown below to request a license for use of this database or any part thereof not licensed under the license.

2-1-2 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Plant Genome Research Unit
Shoshi Kikuchi
E-mail: skikuchi[at]nias[dot]affrc[dot]go[dot]jp

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4. Update History

Date Update contents
2014/10/22 The URL of the whole data download site is deleted due to its closure.
2014/10/20 The URLs of the database maintenance site and the portal site are changed.
2013/12/17 The URL of the portal site is changed.
2013/07/30 KOME english archive site is opened.
2003/07/18 KOME (http://cdna01.dna.affrc.go.jp/cDNA/) is opened.
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5. Literature

Rice Full-Length cDNA Consortium; National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences Rice Full-Length cDNA Project Team, Kikuchi S*, Satoh K, Nagata T, Kawagashira N, Doi K, Kishimoto N, Yazaki J, Ishikawa M, Yamada H, Ooka H, Hotta I, Kojima K, Namiki T, Ohneda E, Yahagi W, Suzuki K, Li CJ, Ohtsuki K, Shishiki T;
Foundation of Advancement of International Science Genome Sequencing & Analysis Group, Otomo Y, Murakami K, Iida Y, Sugano S, Fujimura T, Suzuki Y, Tsunoda Y, Kurosaki T, Kodama T, Masuda H, Kobayashi M, Xie Q, Lu M, Narikawa R, Sugiyama A, Mizuno K, Yokomizo S, Niikura J, Ikeda R, Ishibiki J, Kawamata M, Yoshimura A, Miura J, Kusumegi T, Oka M, Ryu R, Ueda M, Matsubara K;
RIKEN, Kawai J, Carninci P, Adachi J, Aizawa K, Arakawa T, Fukuda S, Hara A, Hashizume W, Hayatsu N, Imotani K, Ishii Y, Itoh M, Kagawa I, Kondo S, Konno H, Miyazaki A, Osato N, Ota Y, Saito R, Sasaki D, Sato K, Shibata K, Shinagawa A, Shiraki T, Yoshino M, Hayashizaki Y, Yasunishi A.
Collection, mapping, and annotation of over 28,000 cDNA clones from japonica rice
Science 2003 July 18; Vol.301 no.5631: pp.376-379
PMID: 12869764

Satoh K, Doi K, Nagata T, Kishimoto N, Suzuki K, Otomo Y, Kawai J, Nakamura M, Hirozane-Kishikawa T, Kanagawa S, Arakawa T, Takahashi-Iida J, Murata M, Ninomiya N, Sasaki D, Fukuda S, Tagami M, Yamagata H, Kurita K, Kamiya K, Yamamoto M, Kikuta A, Bito T, Fujitsuka N, Ito K, Kanamori H, Choi IR, Nagamura Y, Matsumoto T, Murakami K, Matsubara K, Carninci P, Hayashizaki Y, Kikuchi S.
Gene organization in rice revealed by full-length cDNA mapping and gene expression analysis through microarray
PLoS One. 2007 Nov 28; 2(11):e1235.
PMID: 18043742

6. Contact address

When you have any question about "KOME", contact the following:

2-1-2 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Plant Genome Research Unit
Shoshi Kikuchi
E-mail: skikuchi[at]nias[dot]affrc[dot]go[dot]jp

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