2020-10-05 Hiromasa Ono Shuya Ikeda This directory contains expression data reproccessed from the original data and sample annotation metadata for all datasets available in RefEx version 2 (and some are planned). - Human_FANTOM5_phase1and2 directory contains human FANTOM5 samples, made of steady state snapshots used in phase1 of the project and time courses used in phase2. - Human_GTEx_V8 contains the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project release V8 samples. - Mouse_FANTOM5_phase1and2 directory contains mouse FANTOM5 samples, made of steady state snapshots used in phase1 of the project and time courses used in phase2. - Fruit-fly_GSE99574 directory contains Drosophila melanogaster RNA-seq samples from "RNA-seq of sexed adult tissues/body parts from eight Drosophila species (GSE99574)". - Rice_GSE56462 directory contains Oryza sativa Japonica RNA-seq samples from "Transcriptome profiling of various organs at different developmental stages in rice (paired-end) (GSE56462)". - Silkworm_E-GEAD-315 directory contains reference transcriptome data in silkworm Bombyx mori from E-GEAD-315. Please, refer to ./00_readme.txt for info on the data content. Changes from previous version are listed in ChangeLog file.