This folder contains CAGE peaks expression tables for the robust set of peaks. hg38.fair+new_CAGE_peaks_phase1and2_ann.txt.gz - CAGE peak based table with annotated peaks for human samples (fairly remapped) hg38.fair+new_CAGE_peaks_phase1and2_liftover_ann.txt.gz - CAGE peak based table with annotated peaks for human samples (all liftover) hg38.fair+new_CAGE_peaks_phase1and2_tpm.osc.txt.gz - CAGE peak based expression table (RLE normalized) for human samples [see edgeR documentation for further details about normalization method] hg38.fair+new_CAGE_peaks_phase1and2_counts.osc.txt.gz - CAGE peak based expression table for human samples hg38.fair+new_CAGE_peaks_phase1and2_tpm_ann.osc.txt.gz - CAGE peak based expression table (RLE normalized) for human with annotation hg38.fair+new_CAGE_peaks_phase1and2_counts_ann.osc.txt.gz - CAGE peak based expression table for human with annotation