SRX331305 SAMN02230775 GSM1183829:_Snyder_F23B12.7_GFP_YA_Input_Rep1;_Caenorhabditis_elegans;_ChIP-Seq ChIP-Seq GENOMIC ChIP xxx xxx xxx 4434177 Illumina_Genome_Analyzer SRA096638 SRS466878 SRP028479 PRJNA63455 2015-07-22T21:03:49Z Organism taxonomy_id="6239" taxonomy_name="Caenorhabditis elegans" source_name=F23B12.7_GFP_YA_Input_Rep1 strain=OP429(official name : OP429 genotype : unc-119(ed3) III; wgIs429(F23B12.7::TY1GFP-3xFLA; unc-119(+)) outcross : 3 mutagen : Bombard tags : GFP::3xFlag description : This strain's transgene was constructed by Mihail Sarov at the Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden description : using Tony Hyman's recombineering pipeline. The resulting plasmid was used for biolistic transformation of an unc-119(ed3) strain. The F23B12.7::EGFP fusion protein is expressed in the correct F23B12.7 spatio-temporal expression pattern. This strain was used for ChIP-seq experiments to map the in vivo binding sites for the F23B12.7 transcription factor. made_by : Unknown ) developmental stage=Young adult genotype=unc-119(ed3) III; wgIs429(F23B12.7::TY1GFP-3xFLA; unc-119(+)) Sex=hermaphrodite